Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Paneer Shondesh

  • Paneer(Cottage cheese)         - 250 gms
  • Condensed milk                     - 200 gms
  • Cardamom powder                - 1/4 tsp
  • Pistachios                             - 15(chopped)
  • Almonds                               - 10 (chopped)
1. Grate paneer. Then knead using your hand till a smooth mixture is formed.
2. Add the paneer in a pan, add condensed milk and put on low heat.

3. Add half the amount of chopped pistachios and almonds and mix well.4. Keep cooking on low flame till the mixture thickens and no more sticks to the surface of the pan.
5. Add cardamom powder and mix well.
6. Remove pan from stove and let the mix cool.

7. Form small balls by rolling in your palm and then flatten a bit.
8. Garnish with the remaining chopped dry fruits.
9. Freeze for an hour and paneer shondesh is ready to serve.

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